Love @ first sight

This is a quiz to see if ur crush rrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy likes you. sorry for any spelling mistakes i forget some times!!!!!!!!! sorry if u get a low mark on it

are you willing to find out if you have guts to see if your crush LLLLOOOOVVVEEEESSSS you? See you at the end of this Quiz :] sorry for any spelling mistakes 'cause i don't like spelling !!!

Created by: Qurky Kiki
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever touched her/him before ?
  2. is he or she un comefy cozy around u ?
  3. Do u think abt him ALOT ?
  4. do u try to impress him or her ?
  5. r u bored?
  6. do u like him ? Alot ?
  7. can we finish soon??
  8. is he hot ???
  9. does he like you ?
  10. almost done !!!
  11. did u like it ?

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