life sucks when everything goes wrong part 10

Hey everyone! It me Veronica and im back with the 10th part pf my quiz series. Sorry i've been taking so very long. but here we are and I hope you enjoy. NEED TO GO BACK AND READ THE ONES BEFORE THS ONE OR YOU WITH ME VERY CONFUSED!

Ok so we left off when you just got into a fight eith Britnay, Tommy's gitlfriend. And you've just told Tyler and Derrick about Alex your ex-bf, and that he would hit you. So read on ladies and enjoy

Created by: veronica
When Will I Die Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. "What are you talking about?!" I ask. "We mean that there is something that we haven't told you just yet." Tyler said, looking away. Derrick won't look at me at all. "What's going on? What haven't I been told?" I ask, study them both with weary eyes. "Follow me." Derrick said, turning around and walking away. I start to follow but stop when I see that Tyler isn't following.
  2. We end you outside where there is no one in sight. Derrick has his back to me looking down. Is he ok? I ask myself. Finally, Derrick turns around but he stil will not look at me. He speaks "________, Alex is my older brother by one year" Derrick lefts his head and looks at me. "But that can't be right! You two are so different its not even funny" I say, not belivie what im hearing. Tears start running down my face. "______, don't. Please don't. Don"t cry" Derrick saids walking over to me and holds me tight.
  3. Derrick is just so so very differnet. He's sweet, he is always there for me when if feeling blue. He makes me laugh. He knows how to have a good time. "Derrick, I don't know what to saw." I say. "Say that it doesn't matter who my stupid older brother is." Derrick said. "I doesn't matter" I said.
  4. "Good" he said and pulls back to look at my face. Then our lips meet. My tears evaperate, because Derrick power is fire, heat. My armS wines around his neck, my hands pulling on his hair. Next thing that I know my legs are around his waist. Derrick is holding me tight. So tight that it feels has if we can become one. Our lips move together, as if we were ment to be doing this. It just felt so natural. But then i feel a hand grab me and pull me away from Derrick.
  5. "Alex! What the hell are you doing here?!" I yell. Alex has a hold on me by the neck. "Ya, nice to see you too" is all he saids to me, now, turning to Derrick, "Derrick I see that you haven't changed." "Let her go!" Derrick yells. Alex lets me go and i run over to Derrick. He embraces me when i get to hime. But everythng happened fasted. I was pushed out of the way. Next I see fire balls being thrown from Derrick to Alex.
  6. But Alex is fast. He catchs two of the fire balls being thrown at him and throws is shright at Derrick's face. this is all happened wasy to fast for derrick to keep up. Derrick is able to douage the first ball but the second one hits him right in the face. Its such a had blow that it knocks him off of his feet.
  7. I jet all the way ovet to Derrick. I bend down by his head. More tears come down my face. "Derrick...?" The sound of my voice makes him open his eyes just a litte. A small smile spreads aroccs his face. He's ok, he'll make it... I return his smile. Then I rememebered who did this to Derrick and i turn around just a little. Alex just stands there looking at us. Is he crying?! I turn back to look at Derrick. He's eyes closed. "What hurts?" I ask. Derrick doesnt answer. But I can hear his answer by reading his mind. ~Lips~. I look at his lips, their all red. "I'll make it better." I say.
  8. I put my lips on his. I start to glow when our lips meet. It was the first time I ever used my healing powers on anyone, and I really do hope that I was doing it right. My eyes are looking down at Derrick's face as he's eyes start to open. He looks deep into my eyes. Finally, he's lips start to move with mine.
  9. As I start to pull away I feel weark. Out of the blue someone grabs me, again! Its Alex. "Alex! Let me go!" I scream. They must have heard me because the next thing that happened was starnge. One at a time everyone comes out of the house. Joey and Mariah"s are red mixed with black, meaning mad and pissed off. There was a werewolf stand ther looking shright at Alex; Mckenzie. Tommy and Tyler both had a sward. and Serena was know wehre tp be found.
  10. "Alex, let her go" Derrick said, clamly. Alex dosen't look at Derrick but saids, "You always steal everything I had" "Alex! This is different, she's human, not a toy" Derrick yells. "Alex..." I say in a weak voice. "Alex... Alex stop this, please, don't hurt anyone. Tell me what you want" I say. "I want you" Alex said looking at me. "You can't have her!" all the guys yell. "I'll get what I wont this time. It can be the easy way or the hard way. Doesn't matter to me." Alex saids. Just then....

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