Life or Death, you choose

How do you feel about your life? do you wanna live or die? Take this quiz to find out. this could be a deciding factor on if you live or die, Only you know how you truely feel

This is not exactly a very thought threw servey i admit but for my first one i think it very well written and questioned so take my quiz and find out how you feel about your life

Created by: Davichio
  1. Are you happy?
  2. Does your family love you?
  3. Do you have many friends?
  4. Do you have a life outside your head?
  5. Have you ever been depressed?
  6. Ever thought of murder?
  7. Ever thought of suicide?
  8. Do you want to live?
  9. Do you want to die?
  10. Are you in love
  11. Are you a virgan?
  12. Do you hate yourself?

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