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Enter your question, then enter possible answers. Leave blank any lines for answers that you are not using, i.e. if you only want four answers then fill in the first four answer lines and leave the last two blank. You can have a maximum of six answers per question.
I've got to pee on her... Scott Pilgrim moment. xD So, wazzup? *Waiting for an ridiculous answer* Same.. you know I'm eating your mom, right? *Waiting for insult* Ahh, why thank you, *Insert insult here* *Waiting for annoyance* Why, yes... Am I annoying you? *Waiting for a yes* Well, in that case... Avada Kadavra! *Waiting for you to be dead* Now in the comments, you haves to put responses to the *waiting* things. For example: *Waiting for an ridiculous answer*= an answer. Got it? xP
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