lets see what people know

there are many people that i talk to but very few that actually know anything about me. if you take this quiz you will find out if you know much about me or if we just talk some times

please lat me know if you are one of the people that filled this out so i will know who knows what...that means message me of leave me a comment or some thing like that with your name thats say i took your quiz

Created by: nicole
  1. Whats my name
  2. whats my favorite color
  3. whats my dogs name
  4. how many siblings to i have
  5. whats my boyfriends name
  6. Whats my favorite type of music
  7. whats my favorite type of movie
  8. Who's my favorite person to talk to on the phone
  9. how many kids am i an aunt to
  10. how many nieces do i have
  11. what cell phone company do i have
  12. what grade will i be in when school starts back up
  13. whats my favorite nephews name
  14. how many kids do i have
  15. how many kids do i want

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