Laura, Lauren, Lori, or Laurie?

Well, you've probably heard about me, or seen me around, or maybe we've hung out a few thousand times. Now is your opportunity to test how well you actually know your dear friend, Laurie.

How much DO you know about your friend? Do you know what is going on in her current life? Do you kow her pet peeves? What are her obsessions? If you think you know, go ahead and give this quiz a try!

Created by: Laurie
  1. What is my name??
  2. What is my favorite food?
  3. What do I want to be when I grow up?
  4. What is my favorite book?
  5. Do not EVER call me:
  6. What pet am I getting as a "congratulations on graduating, getting a job, and moving away!" present?
  7. How many siblings do I have?
  8. Where was I born?
  9. Where is my favorite place in the world?
  10. Pick one:

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