Know your rights

Knowing your rights as a citizen of the United States is incredibly important. Unfortunately, too many people in our country don't know their rights as citizens of our great country. In fact only 1 in 3 middle school students in the U.S. can name the three branches of our government.

However, starting with taking this quiz and by the time we finish our study of the Constitution you will know all about our Constitution and your rights and responsibilities as a citizen of the United States!

Created by: MrBeer
When Will I Die Test
  1. Because of the rising amount of Muslim terrorists some have considered banning Islam in America - would this be legal?
  2. A cop pulls you over in your car and asks to search your car - do you have to agree?
  3. The state wants to build a new highway but it will go through your property. They said they will take your property but will pay you a fair price for it - do you have to agree?
  4. The police take away your hunting rifle because they say you are too dangerous with a weapon - is this legal?
  5. You are thrown in jail and not told of your crime - is this legal?
  6. The KKK creates a website that talks about how all minorities and gay people shouldn't be allowed to vote or marry - is this legal?
  7. A terrorist is arrested and in order to find out information about a bomb that is going to explode that same day the authorities torture the terrorist to get more information - is this legal?
  8. You go to the voting booth but are not allowed to vote because the authorities think you look like a 'terrorist' - is this legal?
  9. You are arrested for a crime but cannot afford a lawyer - does the government have to provide a lawyer for you?
  10. After being accused of a crime the police state that you will have to wait for up to five years to have a trial and that it will be held privately - is this legal?

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Quiz topic: Know my rights