Know Your Chris

How well do you know me? Well, find out on this super cool quiz!!!!! This section requires 150 letters, so I'm going to put a bunch of periods and commas . , , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , that should be good, now, onto the next paragraph.

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Created by: Chris
  1. My preference in music can be summed up in which word(s)?
  2. What action figure binge did I just go on?
  3. How many dogs do I have?
  4. My dream job is to be the CEO of what kind of company?
  5. Where did I intern this summer?
  6. What is my favorite game system?
  7. Here's an easy one for you: What is my favorite musical?
  8. What instrument have I just recently tried to learn (with comical results)?
  9. Who is my hero in the field of business?
  10. What TV channel do I hate with an unrivaled passion?

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Quiz topic: Know my Chris