Know your best role in Mobile Legends!

In Mobile Legends, there are a few characteristics of heroes which is divided into Supports, Marksmans, Mages, Assassins, Fighters and Tanks. In that way, not only you get to choose many types but also have fun trying every single one.

Are YOU confused or indecisive which class you should main? Do you ever wonder which class is best suited for you? Say no more thanks to the Mobile Legends Role Picker Quiz! It is brought to us by your's truly, VonTheOrangePanda!!!

Created by: VonTheOrangePanda

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you enter a new game what gender do you prefer to use?
  2. What would you prefer? Ranged or Melee?
  3. Choose between Physical or Magic.
  4. When a clash occur, where do you want to be?
  5. On early game, what do you prefer doing?
  6. Your teammate received a lot of damage and is pursued by enemy, what would you do?
  7. What do you focus the most?
  8. Do you like playing as support?
  9. How about playing as Marksman?
  10. Do you like being a tank?
  11. Do you love playing as mage?
  12. Do you like playing as sneaky assassins?
  13. Lastly, Do you like playing as a fighter?

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Quiz topic: Know my best role in Mobile Legends!