Killer or Killed?

This quiz is to find out wether you are a killer or whether you are more likely to be killed... in my opinion being a killer is better...this might sound like super creepy but I want to kill someone to know ow it feels. If anyone does please will you leave a comment in the comment section? Thanks

So, do you have what it takes to live... or to murder... (unlesss of course it was just accidental of course but in most cases it is murder) Anyway, thanks so much for taking my quiz and I hope you liked it! And remember, you can trust no one...

Created by: Beaver
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever tried to kill or seriously hurt someone?
  2. Are you generally pretty nice/kind?
  3. Do you have friends?
  4. Do you have a proper family (As in not adopted. Soz if that's private)?
  5. Are you "evil"?
  6. What's the main part of your personality?
  7. Are you strong •mentally•?
  8. Are you sting •physically•?
  9. Do you have a girlfriend/wife/crush?
  10. Do you have kids?

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