Just a random quiz

How weird are you? im not judgin and if you get weird or above, then thats great! its awsome to have a little weird people ion this world iinstead of every body being so normal all the time!

How weird are you? im not judgin and if you get weird or above, then thats great! its awsome to have a little weird people ion this world instead of every body being so normal all the time!!

Created by: Amy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever put your underwear on your head and pretended u wer a robot?
  2. Have you ever put a face on a banana and talked to it like it wer real?
  3. Do you talk to yourself like you another person and answer bak?
  4. If you wer in a fight, wich weapon would you choose?
  5. Wt kind of music do ou like? (wont affect just ran out of ideas...)
  6. wt games do you like? (wont affect)
  7. wt kind of animal do you like?
  8. you see a fly and you....
  9. Are you a vegitariun, carnivoir, or omnivoir? (wont affect)
  10. How many friend do ya have?
  11. Last question... wt did ya think for mah first quiz? (wont affectr)

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