Jrock Trivia (Simple)

Jrock isn't as widely appreciated as I expected. I wonder if people ever look past the music and peer deeper into their bands' lives. This is what I consider minor trivia. Not very hard at all.

People always say they're a fan of something, well how big of a fan are you? Do you pay attention to what goes on in your favorite musicians' lives? Show me how much you've been paying attention if you call yourself a Jrock fan.

Created by: ThornedRose
When Will I Die Test
  1. Of these vocalists, which writes mainly about themselves?
  2. Who was Gackt's producer?
  3. Which Dir En Grey member was not part of La:Sadie's?
  4. Which of these soloists was an actor in an American film?
  5. Masashi (Versailles) has a pet...
  6. Who is the youngest member of The GazettE?
  7. Singer Adele had been diagnosed with vocal cord nodules before. Which vocalist was diagnosed earlier this year?
  8. Which band has a female member?
  9. Who die of poor physical health?
  10. Finally, which song had to do with the death of Ruki's girlfriend?

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