
this quiz is to find out which full metal alchemist guy is yours your results consist of edward elric, alphonse elric, envy, and roy mustang. some of the main characters.

so who will you get do one of these guys work for you which one will you get why dont you come in and see which guy is for you just my little way of telling you.

Created by: jessica reese
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whats your fave color?
  2. whos your fave fma guy?
  3. what do you want in your man?
  4. will you rate?
  5. did you like this quiz?
  6. whats your height?
  7. would you be in the military
  8. whats your personality
  9. whats your emotion
  10. did you think this quiz was fun

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