Its Not Okay Part 1

Hi, I'm Blair. I'm 13, and I'm in love with fashion. I hope to become a fashion designer. I love the magazine, TeenVouge, and I LOVE the color pink. :D

I don't see why we have to write so much characters! ._. It makes me angry... *Sigh* 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 102 106 110 114 118 122 126 130 134 138 142 146

Created by: BohoQueenx
  1. I have to admit That being an amputee sucks. Especially when you Didn't know how it happened When it happened. All I remember is That I was walking On the beach, A few inches away From the shore, Wading in the water. I felt the rocky smooth shells Underneath my feet, I felt the wind glide Through my silky, Burgundy red hair, I felt that I could do Anything in this Mixed up world. It was the warmest day In October, It also being My birthday. I had just helped myself To a gigantic piece Of chocolate cake With a dash of sprinkles. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my foot. I checked the water, It being the color of my hair. Then little who-knows-what-the-heck Swam around, Snapping at my foot. I tried to run, But it was too late. I wanted to scream, But nothing came out. Warm tears slid down My rosy cheeks, My ice blue eyes Filling up with pain. Then everything turned Pitch black.
  2. I woke up In a blue, fluoride smelling bed, Along with a gown Just like it. I looked around, And then spotted My right leg, Or my-used-to-be Right leg. There was a stub where my knee cap usually was. I gasped, tears forming in to my eyes. My mom walked in, looking as she expected me to be asleep. She looked up, and smiled. "Lucinda!" She exclaimed happily, her brown eyes welling up in tears. "You're awake!" She looked so happy. I've never saw her that happy. Not after Dad passed away back in 1998, when I was 4. She hugged me tight, and kissed my pale cheek. "What happened?" I asked, and her mood suddenly changed. She frowned, sighed, and pursed her lips. "You were attacked by piranhas." I knew she was holding back tears because her eyes sparkled. "They had to amputate your leg when John brought you in. Only a few veins were holding on to your leg." I sighed, And finally cried. I couldn't walk anymore, Shop anymore, Cheer anymore, Surf anymore, Go out with my friends anymore, And walk on the beach anymore. I couldn't do ANYTHING anymore. I wanted to die. I wanted to just lie There on the cold, Hard floor and die.
  3. Finally, a week later, I arrive home. My yorkie, Trixie, Jumped in my lap As soon as I rolled Into the room. I wheeled in, Feeling the cold, hard metal Of the wheelchair in the Palm of my hand. She licked me, And licked me, Until Mom Snatched her up And put her on the couch, This seemed far, Far away From where I was. I rolled into the kitchen, Grabbing a banana. I peeled it quickly, And then tasted it Slowly. It tasted better Than the slop They served At the hospital. I wheeled into my room, Glad to see my stuff again. I glanced at a book On my nightstand, Out of the Dust. I questioned myself For at least 10 minutes, And Then figured out that I'd been reading It before the attack. I picked it up, And rolled unto my bed. I was on page 140 when The doorbell rang. I picked myself up with my arms and hands (Cheerleading makes you strong) And got back on my wheelchair. I rolled into the room, Trixie barking like crazy, And opened the door. "Hey Lulu," My boyfriend Mark said, With a sexy smirk on his face. "Hey." I answered smiling. "How's it been?" He asked, now having a nervous look on his face. "Good... What about you?" "Uhh, I'm doing uhh... fine." He answered. He was sweating now. I was getting angrier and angrier By the minute. Finally my anger Rushed out. "Why are you so nervous?" I shouted. "Well... Uhh.... How do I say this...? OH.... I'm breaking up with you." Tears formed into my eyes. "Why? Is it because of my leg getting bit off?" There was a long pause, And that made me angrier. "Is it? IS IT?" He slowly nodded. I felt like my world had been Crushed by a cannon ball. I didn't know what to do, So I slammed the door Unto his face, And just flew out On the couch. I cried for hours Until mom finally arrived home. "Hey Hun- Lucinda, why are you crying?" I could barely get out a response. "M- Mark Br- broke Uhh- Wi- wi- with M- me JUST BECAUSE OF MY LEG." I busted out, And mom hugged me. "Is going to be okay hunny, it's going to be okay." "NO ITS NOT!" I screamed out. "EVERYTHING HAS BEEN BAD EVER SINCE THE ACCIDENT. FIRST OF ALL MY FRIENDS AND EX BOYFRIEND IS ASHAMED OF ME AND NOW, WHEN I ARRIVE AT SCHOOL, EVERYONE WILL MAKE FUN OF ME. I'M NOT THE CHEER CAPTAIN ANYMORE; I'M JUST THE CENTER OF A NOBODY." I cried out. Mom rubbed my back And called my Aunt Suzie.
  4. I was cheering At the football game. I had 2 legs again. We got into a pyramid, Me being on the top. I looked in the bleachers, Smiling to everyone. But there was someone I didn't recognize. He was in a black cloak, With a big hood Covering up his face With a skulled staff. He smirked, And all of a sudden Ali accidently had A muscle spasm And I fell onto The hard metal on the bleachers. I woke up, And wheeled to the bathroom. I vomited, Got myself up, And went back to bed.
  5. I woke up, To my mom calling my name. "Lucinda! You have mail. It's a big brown box." I got up and For the first time Hopped into the living room. She was right. It was big. I pushed it to The couch And sat unto the floor. I dug my fingers Into the tape, And then opened up The brown wings. It was a leg. A realistic looking electric leg. I gasped at the sight of it. There was a card inside Dear Lulu, Happy late birthday! I'm sorry for what happened. I heard about it from John at school. And you're probably thinking, "Why did she send me this? I don't even like her!" Well, I wanted to be nice for a change even though you think I'm a dork. This is also a get well present. I bought the leg with my college funds. Well, see you at school when you return. Bye! Love, Kathy P.S. I heard about Mark breaking up with you just because of your leg. What a jerk! I felt guilty, Since she said I thought She was a dork. I remember telling Her that too. I'd write back to her and Hang out with her at school. I finally had someone Who appreciated me for? Who I was. I kind of felt happy. I put on the leg, It fits perfect. I moved around With it and smiled. I named it Kathy, After my new best friend.
  6. I returned to school That Monday, Searching for Kathy. Everyone stared at My new "leg" named Kathy. I finally found her In the Library. I sat down with her. "Thank you so much Kathy! And I'm so sorry for what I said that time I told you that you was a dork and I had no right to call you that." She smiled and said, "You're welcome. And it's okay. I get called a dork all the time. No need to apologize." I shook my head. Those idiots. Beauty comes in from the inside, Not the outside. "How about you come to my house after school Kathy?" "That would be... GREAT!" She smiled, Looking excited. I smiled along, Thinking about The good deed I'd just done. Before I knew, It was 2:40 and They dismissed us. I found Kathy, And we walked To the parking lot. My mom came And picked us up. "Mom, this is Kathy. Kathy, this is Mom." "Nice to meet you, Kathy," "Nice to meet you Mom." "Oh, you can call me Sandra." Mom smiled, And we arrived home. We walked into my room, Getting my makeup. "What's that for?" Kathy asked, Looking worried. "I was wondering if you wanted to have a new look..." "Of course I do! How'd you know? Did you read my mind? I read this book about vampires and how they can read-" "Shhh," I got my blues, And put eye shadow, Mascara, Lip gloss, And eyeliner on her. "Welcome to the new Kathy McHill!" I announced, And brought her To a mirror. "Oh my god! I look amazing!" She squealed, Jumping up and down. "Now it's time for wardrobe..." I got onto MissSexy.Com And ordered tons of clothes, Putting in her address. "They'll be here tomorrow." I said. She looked so happy. I wish that I could make everyone feel That way when They're around me. I smiled along with her, And when she went home, I thanked myself for doing This good deed.
  7. The next day I walked to school With Kathy and My new "leg" Kathy. I told Kathy that I named my new leg After her, And she thanked me. She looked so different Since I taught her How to put On that make-up. I was a little bit jealous That she was whole, But I also felt Sorry for her Since everyone used to call Her all those names. It makes me so Mad at times... Makes me want to go Up to them And punch them. At school, And everyone Just stared. Stop It! In my mind I urged to But I couldn't Say it out loud. Everyone would Laugh at me, But I found out that They weren't staring At me, They were staring At Kathy. Then Scotty Burges Came up to her and said, "Here's my number." I knew that she Squealed inside, But she acted all cool On the outside. "Thanks," Is all she said, And we walked away. The bell rang, And we was on to our separate classes, Waiting for the day to end. I was in Gym, Sitting on the bleachers, When Kathy texted: Meet me @ the soda machine. I have 2 tell u something important. I gasped, And thought What Could Be So Important? Did she Make-out with a guy in 1st period? Hook-up with one In the Janitors Closet? Actually do it in front Of everyone? I went to coach, And told him that I Needed something to drink. He gave me a hall pass, And I limped to the Soda Machine. "Hey." "Whats so important?" "Well, uhhh, Mark asked me out." I froze, I thought: That b----! But I didn't Know what she said. "What did you say?" "I said no, and that he was a jerk for breaking up with you like that with a stupid reason, and he never noticed me until today, and he probably thinks I'm just another slut who's going to fall for him..." I was relieved, And hugged Kathy. And after a few hours, At the end of the day, Mark passed us, Glared at me, And winked at Kathy. I sighed. "Whats the matter?" Asked Kathy. "Oh nothing. Its just that I feel like no one at this school would ever go out with me just because of my leg," "I bet tons of guys would ask you out. Your gorgeous, Lulu, and if a man can't see that then they're blind. Also, all the girls that make fun of you because of your leg, they're probably jealous because they aren't the captain of the Ocean Bay Cheer Squad." I started to cry. No one has Told that to me Before. I hugged Kathy, Smiling as tears Slid down my cheeks. I arrived at Kathy's house, For it was Friday and I was spending the night. Prom was soon, And no one asked me To be their date. Kathy said that She would get Someone to be it, But that isn't The way I want it. I got my bags, Set them on her bed, And went to her kitchen For some pudding. I got a spoon, And sipped the yummy, Squishy, Amazing surface. YUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I said in my mind said, I chuckled randomly, Making Kathy look At me like I was a Weirdo. I got out my Netbook After that, And checked my email and Facebook. I had about 50 emails, And 15 notifications. Suddenly a Tinychat request Popped up. It was from John. The boy who Saved my entire life. I joined, And smiled. JAF94: Hey CheerinnLulu
  8. I woke up On Kathy's couch. I checked my phone. It was 6:40 A.M. I got my stuff, And walked home. I slid into the door Quietly, "Kathy" making a loud BANG. My mom Walked down the stairs, With a baseball bat And turned on the Kitchen light. "Lucinda! You scared me to death!" "Sorry mom." I watched T.V. until 8, and then passed out. I woke up, And looked at my phone. It was 12:00. I texted John. Me: Hey hunny. John: Hey sweetheart. How r u doin dis morning Me: Gr8. Lol. I just woke up. John: Lol. Ur such a sleepy hed. Me: Lol. Idk why, but I woke up @ 6 this morninn and scared my mom 2 death. John: Dang. Me: Ikr? Lol. John: Yep. Mike woke me up 2day @ 5, makin me thank we had skool. Me: Lol. Wdud? John: I punched him. Hard. Me: Awh! That's mean John: Well... Me: Well, Im starvinn so Im goinn to make a sandwich.
  9. TINYCHAT REQUEST FROM: JAF94 Rejected. This was the 20th time John had requested a chat. Facebook: John: I'm so sorry! Logged off. MySpace: John: don't b mad! Blocked. Stardoll: JAF94: Plz answer me! Unfriended and blocked. I hated John. And always would. I don't care How many roses, Chocolate, Puppies, Kittens, Teddy bears, Or necklaces He had sent me, It would never Change my mind. A lot of people Say that hate Is a strong word, But I see it as a Way to express Your emotion. Prom was on Friday, 3 days, And no date. This sucks, and Kathy is probably Just f---ing John Until he bleeds, And probably Will do that At prom. I don't give A flying f--- If she goes And dies from Aids, or gonorrhea. She stole The guy Who saved My stupid life. I've started cutting. And I try to Hide the scars. But Trixie Smells the blood at night. I haven't told anyone. I'm too Ashamed to. I started To sit alone. Kathy always Mouthed to Me, "Sorry." Same with John. I both shot The Middle finger. That made Them finally Shut their mouths For the day. But the routine Went on every Day. I finally Started asking Boys for a date, And Mark Had took me Back. I finally Accepted a chat From John. JAF94: Hey im so srry! CheerinnLulu
  10. Before I knew it, It was Friday. I had gotten A peach strapless Poofed at the bottom Dress, With my hair up In a beautiful bun. Mark welcomed me At the door, Smiling in his Pink tux. I made him Wear it, And we were Dating again. We arrived In a limo, And Kathy And John Looked jealous. I glared At them, And danced. They got Lady Gaga to Peform. Then they Started to crown people. "And 2011's prom King is... Mark Vega!" Mark smiled his White smile, And ran up to the stage, Claiming his crown. "And 2011's prom queen is... Lulu Miles!" My eyes widened. I limped to The stage, And got my crown. I started my speech. "How you guys doing? Um, I don't originally do this, so, I'll have to wing it... Thank you to everyone who voted me. I am really astonished. And I'm going to forgive some people tonight... Is Kathy McHill and John Liliac here?" I looked around the crowd, And they wasn't there. "C'mon guys, don't be shy..." Still, No one came. "Uhh, I guess that they're not here..." I started to cry. "Well, bye." I ran off the stage to the bathroom. How could they betray me again? On the night That I was going To forgive them. I looked Like a train Wreck. Fine, They want to Fight like This? I punched the mirror, Got a piece of glass, And cut it into my wrist. The blood started pouring, But I didn't care I looked at It and smiled. Then I heard moaning in the stall I peeked in and it was Mark and Shanaynay Clearwater the whore Of the whole f---ing school. I couldn't Take this f---ing s--- Anymore. I ran out, And ran home.

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