Its All About Me Quiz

"There are many smart people, but few true friends. Friends, afterall, are quite exceptional. What is a friend? A friend is someone who has an extraordinarily heart, and can see people for who and what they really are through an entirely novel point of view."

"Are YOU my friend? Do you have the knowledge to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!"

Created by: Amanda

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When was I born?
  2. What color hair and eyes do I have?
  3. what do I fear the 'MOST?'
  4. Where do I work?
  5. How many guys have I 'truely' dated?
  6. Where did I go to College?
  7. Whats my favorite Month?
  8. Whats my favorite weather?
  9. How many sblings do I have?
  10. Whats my favorite "Drink?"
  11. Whats my favorite Color(s)?
  12. Whats my FAVORITE animal?

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