iT's Genfo! < Info bout me!

Hello this quiz is meant for fun and was created out of boredom at work. Basically its INFO about me and I have chose to so cheesly add a spin and call it Gen-fo like info. about gen.. but genfo.. haha get it? good! -

Basically if you don't do very well perhaps you just don't listen. Or maybe we just haven't had the time to hangout enough. Lets just see how you do, and go from there! - Good Luck!

Created by: Gennifer
  1. Lets start off with an easy one... What color are my eyes?
  2. What is one odd habit I do with particular foods?
  3. What is my DREAM RIDE?
  4. When is my birthday!?
  5. I know 2 languages which are they?
  6. Where was my first job?
  7. Which Story is true?
  8. What School do I now attend?
  9. What is my favorite candy bar?
  10. What is one store you could most likely find me in?
  11. What Color Seat covers are in my car?
  12. In 2nd Grade I won an award for:
  13. What is one slang word I use alot...
  14. Who is my ultimate favorite celebrity?

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