is your man a cheater?

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**there are many people are smart but you are really smart but few geniuses are very true because i believe in you bye good luck with things have a nice day>

**your amazing are you such a genius? omg you are unremarkable and so fantacis good luck with your boyfriend problems and everything thing else have a nice day>

Created by: honeybee247

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. does he pay less attention to you? doesn't answer your calls!
  2. makes excuses about where he was. (makes you fustracted)
  3. you should be very worried about all this!
  4. just kidding your fine but he's NOT.
  5. dUmP hIm hArD.
  6. how do you feel about this QUIZ?
  7. ever got dumped?
  8. blah BEWEAR
  9. you can do so much better sister

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Quiz topic: Is my man a cheater?