Is He the One??????

Is there such a thing as love? Ask yourself. Have you ever been in love before? Find out if you are right now! Take this quiz to find out if you two are sole mates!

Are you in love? Does your love for eachother burn enough to have a bon fire? Take this quiz to find out if he's the man for you. Answer questions froma person who knows an offel lot about love and romance.

Created by: Jessica
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he offer to carry your books in the hallway?
  2. Where does he take you on a date?
  3. How often does he come over to your house to hang out?
  4. How often does he call you?
  5. Does he call you beautiful or hott?
  6. what is his touch?
  7. How would he comfort you on a bad day?
  8. How long have you had this relationship?
  9. What does he give you on your b-day?
  10. What does he know about you?

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