Information Quiz

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Created by: Tasfia Kabir of seriesreport101
(your link here more info)
  1. How many percent of American lakes and rivers are too polluted for fishing, swimming, or aquatic life?
  2. How many active pesticides ingredients are suspected for causing cancer?
  3. An aveage American produces _______ hazardous waste.
  4. About how many pounds of trash is thrown away each year from one American?
  5. Heating a single family home in winter and cooling it in summer accounts for how many percent of the energy used in the American home.
  6. n 1800, about _____ of the American population lived in cities.
  7. During winter months, how many percent of soot and other particle pollution in Sacramento is caused by burning wood in fireplaces and wood stoves.
  8. Polluted drinking waters are a problem for about _____ of the world's population
  9. Over _____ of items in landfills can be recycled, but they're not.
  10. According to the World Health Organization, if you are one of the 18 million residents of Cairo: breathing daily air pollution is like smoking _____ times a day

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