Important Announcement Peepz

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Kai, this quiz is about my very good friend Aria, whos amazingly talented, sweet, genuine, kind, and a lot more! Please take it, it will mean a lot to me if you did

Same as the top paragraph. Do you know whats irritating? People not reading the top paragraph. I hate it when people don't read the top paragraph. XD

Created by: Ambrosia
  1. Thank you for clicking. Isn't it amazing how these little words like "thank you." or "im fine" creates a big impact on people?
  2. Okay well I have a very important announcement. Anyone remembers Aria? The sweet, kind, caring genuine, one of a kind girl from gotoquiz? Yeah, well she's having a hard time now because of a situation with her ex.
  3. Anyways, that's not the point. The point is Aria made a new series just because it struck her. it's called "Noitect is Activated." It's not showing up on the list of new quizzes or gotoquiz itself. You have to go on her profile to check it out.
  4. Aria once told me "Dreams are just dreams but reality is what we live in. We can't change or destroy it, we can only experience it." I think it's heck true because reality is dumb -________-
  5. Now to Aria, Dear Aria. I don't know the pain you're feeling, but you've told me, xxblutixx and WTF_NINJA the same thing. Listen, he isn't worth it. No guy is worth your time, you are too wonderful.
  6. Words are just words Aria. Nothing more. It's your choice if you choose to listen to us; it's not your fault he's a lying, cheating scum. It's not our fault he wanted what most guys want: you innocence. At least you were smart enough and didn't give it to him. =/
  7. Now I have three more questions, so much to say. But to everyone, please check it out, you will be BLOWN away with it, no lie. even natuhleegayle likes it!
  8. Okay well, bye everyone. Enjoy your day.
  9. KAI KAI ! =P

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