Immortal Blood part 8

Ok so this is part 8 enjoy i tried my best look at the pictures in the results and tell me your thoughts and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok so this is part 8 enjoy i tried my best look at the pictures in the results and tell me your thoughts and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: vampirechick1111
Personality Test
  1. So as you'll see in the results i put up pics of Jack and Logan just my view of what they look like idk the picture of "jack" but logan is Liam Payne from one direction anyways just wanted to tell u =) enjoy the story =)
  2. You look at Jack helplessly and decide to run after Logan. You see him outside in the back yard and walk up to him. "Logan im sorry" "No _____ no he BIT you, do you know what that means?" "No,I-" "You two have an ever stronger connection now _____ i cant compete with that, you'll never love me as much as you love him" "Logan thats not true." "But it is..." You go up to him and kiss him slowly at first and then more passionately.
  3. *******Jacks Prospective******* I bit her today, i bit her and i couldnt stop. Whats wrong with me, how could i hurt her like that.... i love her. It was amazing though, her blood, its so sweet like honey and strawberries its intoxicating. Logan came in and saw us. She ran after him. Him... she didnt stay with me, I think her feelings for him are stronger than i thought and I cant stand it her loving someone else. I hate that guy. (he goes and looks out the window to the backyard) Their talking, what is she saying? (he listens in since hes a vampire and can hear them) "Logan im sorry" "No _____ no he BIT you, do you know what that means?" "No,I-" "You two have an ever stronger connection now _____ i cant compete with that, you'll never love me as much as you love him" "Logan thats not true." "But it is..." She kisses him. After i BIT her???. He gets mad and throws the nearest object at the wall(which happen's to be your laptop)and storms out of the house
  4. ****Back to you******* Your still kissing Logan when you hear a loud bang in your room. You and Logan go up and see that Jack is gone and your laptop is on the floor in pieces and theres a dent in your wall. "What the hell happened" you ask. "I think Jack overheard us" "He can do that?" "Yea we have good hearing and now so do you." *Oh yea im kinda like a vampire now huh* you dont feel any different but would you have been able to hear your laptop being broke into a million pieces if you were still human or at least part human? "_____ this cant go on much longer both me and Jack cant stand seeing you with another guy..." "So what are you saying?" "You're gonna have to choose soon..but for now lets not think think about that, lets train to get your mind off of things." "Ok" Logan leaves and you change into sweat pants and a tank top and go back to the backyard. Logan is sitting on the ground and you sit across from him. "Ok so for now i wanna see what powers you might have, first lets try the elements, I want you to envision this part of the ground floating up into the air." You close your eyes and do as you were told.
  5. And.... nothing happens. "Ok so maybe not earth, lets try air." He puts a piece of paper on the ground. "Now envision this piece of paper floating up." You close your eyes again and envision the paper floating. "___ open your eyes." You do, the paper is floating ACTUALLY FLOATING!! "Omg Logan this is soo cool" you shriek and hug him "Yea i think so too." he says and kisses you. "Excuse me could you maybe not do that here" someone says. Its Jack. "Jack hey" you say. He just looks at you. You get mad, why, why do they keep doing this getting mad at you, their the ones who said i had to chose im just exploring my options god. "I dont get you guys you say i could be with both of you for now and you get mad at me everytime you see me kiss the other one" "Wouldnt you" Jack says. "What if me or Logan brought a girl home and started making out with her in front of you, wouldnt you be mad" "Well yea.." "See" "Im tired im gonna go up to my room for the rest of the day" You go upstairs and start crying. You put on the song you always listen to when your sad Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift, (listen to it if you havent its amazing) You lay on your bed cry and eventually fall asleep.
  6. ******Damons prospective******** (PuffBall since you wanted it =) They turned her i cant believe those idiots actually turned her. (Hes hiding behind the bushes in the backyard while you and the guys are arguing) Now they dont even want to be with her anymore that thing will destroy the world why dont they get that. I have to kill her, shes gotta be alone sometime..(you storm off and fall asleep Damons in your room) Finally i can get this over with. Hes standing over you with a stake in his hands. Ok Damon stab her and burn the body, he thinks. He plunges the stake into you heart.
  7. ***you again****You feel a horrible pain in your chest you open your eyes and see Damon standing there, and a stake in your heart, A STAKE. You cant move *why cant i move* then you remember, stakes dont kill vampires only paralyze them. *Jack Logan help me please.* "Your awake i see" Damon says good i want you conscious while you burn alive" He laughs evilly. He pours some gasoline on you god knows where he got it from and lights a match. "Goodbye dhampir" "NO" you hear someone scream its Jack and Logan *im safe* but no before eigher of them can get to Damon he throws the match on you. "Its too late shes as good as dead" Before you pass out from the pain you see Jack ripping Damons head off.
  8. Your in so much pain you dont know what happened or where you were. *i wanna die, let me die this is too much* "_____ ,_____ wake up your ok wake up please" *Whos voicee is that?* "_____ please dont leave me please" You open you eyes and scream, the pain is unbearable. You see a boy, *where have i seen him before* He bites his arm and puts it to your mouth. *what is this blood no i dont want blood* he makes you drink it, its good. * i must be dead blood, i think blood is good, but this cant be heaven, no im in hell.* You start to feel better little by little "_____ is the pain gone" "Yes" "Good" and you pass out again. You wake up alone, *where am i* then you remember everything Jack, Logan, how Damon set you on fire. "Jack" you yell Jack runs into your room. "Your ok" he comes up to you and hugs and kisses you. "Yea im fine wheres Damon I'm gonna kill him" "Well i already did that" "Ughh i wanted to" you say jokingly. "Sorry" he laughs. "Its ok ill live"
  9. "How did Damon get in here?" "I dont know i guess we were all so upset that we didnt even notice he was on our property. ____ im sorry for saying those things to you I love you, and seeing you with Logan, well it upsets me" "I get it if you were with someone else id be pretty mad too." He kisses you "I love you" "I love you too" Logan comes in. "Hey" you say "_____ i think its time to choose." "What?" "I think you already know who you want to be with " "But Logan...."
  10. Ok guys thats it sorry for Damons prospective wasnt that goo but i couldnt really think like him lol. SO anyway ill try to have the next part out by new years =) tell me what you think of the pictures and HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!

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