im in your head

this is a test about me me.......all about me......and i hope that you know enough to make sure that i dont look at you like your stupid (i love you chris crocker)

do you have the skills to know what is right? do you have the brain power and the knowledge to pass my test? i hope you do i really hope that you do good luck

Created by: emily of
(your link here more info)
  1. what are my two favorite colors
  2. what is my main area of study in college
  3. what is my favorite kind of dog
  4. what is the date of my birthday
  5. what is the date of my birthday
  6. what is the month of my birthday
  7. what mood am i usually always in
  8. what state was i born in
  9. what is my favorite baseball team
  10. what color are my eyes

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Quiz topic: Im in my head