im always in forums. who am i??

i made this quiz for no apparent reason. jklgrj ahei oaruyh g soai tur oi yhas ogi ha gv b t89gr yhes go dfujgv oifl bhnjtui sw pouhgij bvf pos yhtg r8w yu go hbv s pohtporswhb ogil xhs l ghy o y posy gh ofic b x p gh oti psyh g pr89 ty 89ew 8934-6 t 8e -tg 7fd -sh y dgj g [s uw g oi shj ogf d;vh nj g porusT*{ Tt y{ TG8 Y A Z F GYU 89YRE D 9 H R 9 Y UA Z Y PW Y U !!!!

kljdf ;ashop9aw yt rap9 y dfs p89z yt r4 89ae t6 g -a bh v zbt =0 [ OYI ' ] 0[8 RY E]=0 7U5 H G0X[ OHI LSD H BOIC Z [TS RO ; IC B V; N D R IUQ P58 Y HG VEP8 Y [ S O F DZ B f :o O' DY A PIT4 Y[ o[ f dz y5[ 89q [ u or8 [ i lv ckj bg fd df o du t g raey 8g9 z klj /. lmnj zkl au g df i gg po bj fo b uo pg byu hpo UI PODS U8 9 RUE POG D YU 89 PET f ;la89r4eyhr89-e b7u- 157 6 8 0 9 u hq 74 - t 5[p u -0

Created by: catherine99

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what is my favorite band???
  2. who is my favorite singer/ all time crush?
  3. what is my favorite color?
  4. who do you think i am?
  5. who is my bestfriend on gotoquiz?
  6. who is my real world bestestestest friend?
  7. what is my real name?
  8. what forum do i post on the most?
  9. what is my stereotype?
  10. do i have adhd?
  11. what is my gender
  12. how old am i
  13. did i make this quiz for no reason?
  14. what college do i want to go to?

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