I Wish I Were a Goldfish

Well this quiz is about me. I made it because I was actually really bored. I hope that if you know me at all that you did good on this test. I'm not that hard to read.

ARE YOU A GENIUS? Well, unless your IQ is over 130, chances are that you are not. but if you're a SARA genius, that is so much better. Did you know that Shakira is actually really smart? I didnt!

Created by: Sara
Personality Test
  1. What is my favorite band?
  2. What is my favorite color?
  3. What is my favorite television show?
  4. What is my favorite subject (think long and hard!)
  5. what do i want to name my kids?
  6. out of the following which is my BIGGEST fear...
  7. what religion am i?
  8. my personality could be described as:
  9. which word do i HATE the most
  10. maturity is...
  11. my outlook on life is:
  12. when it comes to picking guys i...
  13. my mind is
  14. what do i want to be when i grow up?
  15. i cannot stand:
  16. AND THE FINAL QUESTION...nick is a jew because...

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