I Need Your Advice! Please Help!

I don't know what is wrong with me, which is why I made this quiz. I would appreciate it so much if you would tell me what to do or what is wrong with me.

It would be very nice if they would take off the second paragraph. I'm just going to repeat what the first paragraph said. Please help me! I need help!

Created by: sherbertdynamite
When Will I Die Test
  1. So first off, I'm not sure if this helps or anything, but I have anxiety, paranoia, OCD, and I don't know what else.
  2. I think that I have anger issues, because I always feel like punching people that make me mad, though I never have. I just end up punching a wall in my room.
  3. Whenever a teacher calls on me, I turn bright red, start sweating, my heart starts beating really loudly, and I feel like fainting. I wonder if this is shyness or something, but I never have a problem talking to strangers or anyone one-on-one or in small groups.
  4. I have lots of friends (at least I think I do. I consider pretty much everyone that is nice to me my friend), but I don't like hanging out with them. I prefer to read a book.
  5. I have a hard time being with my family. They bug me and make me mad. I try to be nicer to them, but I just can't. I also have a psychologist, but I have a hard time telling him my problems.
  6. When I try to tell my friends all of my problems, they just don't understand or take me seriously.
  7. I don't know if this helps, but I'll tell you my exercising and eating habits anyway. I don't take drugs, smoke, or drink alcohol. I eat at least one fruit and vegetable each day. I exercise occasionally, typically once a week, and only for ten to thirty minutes each time.
  8. When people call me shy, my temper erupts, and I about tackle them,but fortunately I never have.
  9. I feel like my parents are on me too much. They have blocked pretty much everything on the internet, which makes me mad. I want to go running about 5:30 in the morning, alone, so nobody will see me, but they won't let me go running unless it's after 6:30 and if I'm with someone.
  10. I don't know how many times I have thought of suicide and running away, but I think about those things a lot.
  11. I rarely come out of my room, and if my parents kick me out of it I'm mad.
  12. Basically, if my parent's kick me off of any electronics or take away the electronics, I'm furious.
  13. In my church, I have two classes, one with boys and girls and one with just girls. In the one with boys and girls I talk whenever I feel like, and I feel at ease, but in the full girl class, I never say anything.
  14. Do I have depression or something? I don't want to tell my parents about this, because they don't take me seriously. Please tell me what is wrong with me. I appreciate it immensely!

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Quiz topic: I Need my Advice! Please Help!