i can guess your death by cj

there are many ways to die, but few people who dont die! just kiding every one dies someday! how will you die? well take this quiz to find out! cause i know!

how are you going to die? are you so dumb you will die today? until now you can wonder! because thanks to my great quiz yo can find out! thats awesome!

Created by: cody
  1. are you male or female?
  2. were would you rather be?
  3. whats your favourite board game?
  4. are you fat, give the truth no one will know?
  5. do you play a dangeorus sport?
  6. do you like this quiz so far?
  7. do you drive a vechial?
  8. do you like singing?
  9. are you dumb like me?
  10. did lou like my quiz? no effect i just need 1 more question!

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Quiz topic: I can guess my death by cj