I can guess who you are

There are some people that can read your minds. But it's more like a magic trick though.I can guess who you are, but I'm cheating a little bit though because you are helping me.

Are you who you think you are.you might know who you are, but do I? Lets find out,play this quiz to see if it works.

Created by: pie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the first letter of your name?
  2. How do you act?
  3. What is your favorite food?
  4. What is your favorite animal?
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. Do you have a pet of your own?
  7. What season do you like more?
  8. Do you go to school?
  9. What color is your hair?
  10. Do you like this quiz?

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