How would you be after 20 years

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are you really genius? if you are old than you would be an expert life is called genius the people who have intrests in different things are also called genius because it takes into a world of education

are you a sensible person? you would really have a genius brain if you are not try this quiz this quiz is made fopr those people who have tiny brains thats why i have made this quiz which will take you to a new world of generous

Created by: yareeha fatima
  1. what is your age?
  2. what is your favourite colour?
  3. what do you do in your free time?
  4. are you romantic?
  5. are you famous?
  6. who is your favourite indian/american celebrity?
  7. what clothes you like?
  8. do you like your self?
  9. are you a boy/girl?
  10. what is your religon?

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