how well do you think you know me (sera)

a true friend know's eachothers flaws and stregths and so if you are my friend you should pass t his quiz fairly easily they are all pretty easy questions that is if you know me!

DO YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME? well take this quiz and find out put you knoweledge of logic away cause all you'll be needing is a good memory that is ~ put your friendship to the test and take this quiz wont hold it against you if you fail it :)

Created by: sera roane of
(your link here more info)

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what is my favoriate food?
  2. what is my favoriate color?
  3. which do i perfer....
  4. when is my birthday?
  5. what is most likly my outlook on love
  6. what are my views on gay marriage??
  7. what is melody's middle name?
  8. what would i rather do...
  9. how many sibblings i have (if any) brothers and sisters
  10. what is my favoriate pass time

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Quiz topic: How well do I think you know me (sera)