How well do you really know me?

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If you are bored take a shot at my quiz! See how well you know me or how well you can take a guess. Am I predictable or are we just that close? I have spoken of all of these before....

After you take the quiz text me your score or screen shot it if you have an iPhone, then make a quiz and I will see how well I know you! Good luck and no cheating!!!

Created by: Tiffany
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the name of my kids?
  2. Choose a bar I have NOT worked at...
  3. What was my family childhood nickname?
  4. Who is my favorite singer of all time?
  5. How long was I in labor with my oldest child?
  6. What was the nickname of my first escort?
  7. What do I want my last name to be?
  8. When is my birthday?
  9. What was the name of my softball team for the recent benefit tournament?
  10. What do I want for my birthday this year???

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Quiz topic: How well do I really know me?