How well do you know Taylor Swift?

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Take this very amazing best taylor swift quiz in the world! Yes the best and you should take it over and over unil you get exactly 100%! Yes that might be hard.

Yes, test to see if you are smarter than your friends and see if you can beat them and see if you can beat other Taylor Swift fans somewhere out there

Created by: toyota060

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What color is Taylor's hair?
  2. What color is Taylor's eyes?
  3. Finish these lyrics to "Fearless" There's something about way...
  4. What guitar does Taylor use her "Tim Mcgraw" music?
  5. Which of these is not a Taylor Swift song?
  6. What tattoe does Taylor Swift have?
  7. Where is her tattoe?
  8. What isn't something Taylor Missed in her song "The way I loved you"
  9. What is the name of the guy Taylor sings about in "Stay beautiful"?
  10. What song was Taylor's first big hit?
  11. What is Taylor's Middle name?
  12. How old was Taylor Swift when she wrote "Place in this world"

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Taylor Swift?