How Well Do You Know Reaper?

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You don't know me or do you find out, Mweor prizes avaliable!! you have to post the quiz results on the page. Okay? Not to complicated. (My ID is 81692)

These questions are just the basics, in order to get the one mp, or 2million, you must pass a level two quiz, and to be able to partake in that quiz. you must get a 70% or above.

Created by: topeye

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. I have three dogs, what are there names?
  2. When is my birthday?
  3. What is my favorite sport?
  4. What is my favorite hockey team, and player?
  5. What is my favorite color/colors?
  6. Do I have one leg?
  7. What is my favorite drink?
  8. Whats my boyfriends name?
  9. What is my sexaullity?
  10. Am I a girl or boy?
  11. Whats my favorite my little pony character?
  12. Which out of these bands/artists, do I like the most?
  13. Which anime is my favorite?
  14. What is my house cat's name and breed?
  15. I have two siblings, a little brother and sister, what are there names?
  16. Is 81692 my original account?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Reaper?