How well do you know Rachael?

A lot of people in highschool are fake, so this was my way of finding out who really knows me, and who really doesn't care. This should be interesting ;]

Taking this quiz should be funnn...and wether you fail or pass, i still love you. but if you fail, you probably don't talk to me very often. Have funnnn :]]]]]]]]] xox<3

Created by: Rachael
  1. What is rachael's favorite color?
  2. Which of the following is NOT on rachael's list of who she'd marry?
  3. does rachael have a boyfriend?
  4. are rachael's parents divorced?
  5. when is rachael's birthday?
  6. which of the following does rachael HATE being called?
  7. who is practically rachael's twin sister?
  8. what was the first movie austin and rachael saw together?
  9. where did rachael and melissa meet?
  10. what is the name of rachael's dog that died last year?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Rachael?