how well do you know me?

Ello guys and galls. This is a simple test to see how well you know me. I hope you do well. If you dont then just come to the stage,you'll find me there Edit(10-8-2019) updated a few things!

Ello guys and galls. This is a simple test to see how well you know me. I hope you do well. If you dont then just come to the stage,you'll find me there

Created by: pheonix_pharaoh
  1. Am i a boy or a girl
  2. What is my favorite thing to do?
  3. Whats my fav color
  4. Whats my fav show
  5. Which of my characters are my favorite?
  6. Whats my dream
  7. Favorite game
  8. I like
  9. Am i evil?
  10. XD

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?