How well do you know me?

There are alot of people that know me but we can find out who knows me best!This questions just ask about myself such as things like my favorites!Do u think u know me that best? well find out right know and just take that quiz!

Are you a genius? Do you know me better than anyone else? well we will find out if you take this quiz! It is a fun way of finding out of much you know me and who knows me best! well good luck if you take this quiz!

Created by: Colin
  1. What is my favorite color?
  2. What is my favorite sport to play for fun?
  3. What would i rather do?
  4. Whats my favorite NBA team?
  5. Whats my middle name?
  6. How many brothers do i have not counting me?
  7. Which am i?
  8. who are my two best "girl" friends
  9. Who do i walk around with in the morning's at school
  10. Who are my three best guy friends
  11. How many sports do i LIKE to play?
  12. Whats my favorite school subject?
  13. Who is my favorite teacher
  14. What is my favorite store?
  15. Whats my favorite number?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?