How well do you know me?

Hi. I'm new. I'm Flowers123. I have blonde hair. I have brown eyes. I like wearing jeans and tank tops. I live in Florida. My hometown is Hawaii. I am rich and spoiled forever.

In red letters, it says: "The second paragraph should not repeat the first. Please make it different " with no period. I will be taking my flu shot today.

Created by: Flowers123

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my favorite color? I'm being specific, so choose as carefully as you can to see what is my favorite color.
  2. What is my gender?
  3. What is my favorite movie?
  4. How old am I?
  5. What is my favorite food?
  6. What is my phone like?
  7. Am I spoiled?
  8. Who do I want to be friends with on GTQ?
  9. What level was I at when I made this quiz?
  10. I will now continue making my quiz. Last question.

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?