How well do you know me?

So, do you think you know me? I can pretty much guarantee that, unless you are family, you will not get a 100%. Hey, but try anyway, and you might learn some stuff about me.

So, blah blah blah blah. Why are still reading this b.s. take my quiz already! Learn some uninteresting facts about, me. I think you will be intrigued. (Probably not!)

Created by: Carolann of
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my favorite color?
  2. When is my birthday?
  3. What color are my eyes?
  4. which of these bands do i dislike?
  5. which one of these bands do i like?
  6. how many brothers do i have?
  7. how many sisters do i have?
  8. what is my major?
  9. what city do i live in?
  10. what color is my house?
  11. what kind of car do i drive?
  12. what color is my car?
  13. what is my middle name?
  14. what size shoe do i wear?
  15. how tall am i?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?