How Well Do You Know Me?

Do you know me? Do you talk to me in The Forums? Or atleast get b----ed at me? Or get insulted by me? Or atleast anything? Well take this quiz to show that you do stalk me.

Come on down To Big Bucks Burgers *dings* Oh.. I mean um my quiz that I made and probably make more quizzes during the summer. I missed you guys. And I kinda like making quizzes again. See you again, lovelies!

Created by: amazon
When Will I Die Test
  1. What is my gender?
  2. What is my favorite color?
  3. What race am I?
  4. What is my favorite anime?
  5. Who am I?
  6. What do I like to do even when I am most horrible at it?
  7. What is my favorite song?
  8. What do I wanna be when I grow up?
  9. What am I like?
  10. How old am I?
  11. Last one, What is my favorite tyoe of music? (I gave a hint.)

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Me?