how well do you know me? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz how well do you know me?
Here is what I wrote for the commentary;
my real name is savannah ayleen singleton, but you can call me Anna, wendee, or whatever you ike idc.
I find that I do enjoy rock and classical music, but I also enjoy some pop music, and even some rap songs. I don't really have a specific preference for music. all music is cool to me.
I have really long coppery blonde hair, but apparently it will darken when I grow up and I will be a redish brunette. We ares tart in to think that this is not the case anymore seeing as I have retained my youthful color for a lot longer than my mom has.
although I don't play video games much anymore, when I do I am a serious gamer and can take any of you down on halo 2 and need for speed.
I should probably sleep, but I want the best of both worlds so I usually refuse to sleep until I can't keep my eyes open any longer
I love all the different subjects, but I have always had a special passion for words, and placing words in strategic places to form a beautiful sentence/dialog
I like marvel more than DC. though I grew up watching both spiderman and batman, I have come to love marvel overall.
I started my passion for piano when I was five years old by teaching myself little dittys on my brothers toys that could consisted of buttons that played notes, when I got older my grandfather bought me a keyboard and a lot of sheet music so I now ply by ear and can read sheet music.
wendee3O1 -
I have three little brothers, Nathaniel, Josiah, and Noah. they are crazy buy I love them. even though I don't talk to them much anymore.
I just turned fourteen, my birthday is may third.
when I was really little, I loved pink, as I grew up I turned to blue, then green, now I have no overall favorite, my favorite color changes with ,my emotions.
I have two cats, fourteen hens, a dog, a rabbit, and some frogs currently.
hel l no! I suck at mathematics.
I absolutely adore clue, I love both the game, and the movie. I have masterd the game, and have memorized the movie lines.
Christi anity is a faith, not a religion
I fell in love with Veronica Roth's divergent series last summer.
I was born in Hemet California, but I moved to central Oregon when I was a few months old.
my eyes resemble a blueberry, so if you ever see a blueberry, that is what my eyes look like.
I like warm ponchos and bellbottoms, I like emperors waist shirts and fuzzy hats. I don't know if this qualitys as hippy but I have been told one to many times that I have a hippy style so idk
when I was really little I would stand in for the of the TV and sing along to Larry. I know all of the silly songs by heart
I love each of the factions with passion, I could never choose one to bond to,
my middle name is ayleen, my mother's middle name is aileen, and my grandmother's middle name,is eileen, I intend on giving my future daughter the middle name eyleen
I love the lochness monster and I get spooked thinking about it. I also love weeping angels and sometimes pretend that there is one of the other side of my room and state at it until I can't
Show Full Commentwendee3O1 -
I had super long explanatory paragraphs for each of my answers, but I don't know what happened to them.
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