How Well Do You Know Me?

There are some people who know me.. are you one of them? Take my quiz to find out if you know me as well as you think you do. Go ahead dont be scared just make sure to post your score so others can see what you scored.

Are you one of the one's that knows me as well as you think yo do? Take my quiz to find out just exactly how well you know me.. Dont forget to post your score so others and myself know what you scored! thanks and good luck!!

Created by: Vanesa
  1. When is my Birthday?
  2. What is my Middle Name?
  3. Where was i Born?
  4. How old am I?
  5. What sizes of Pants do i wear?
  6. How many Brothers and Sisters do i Have?
  7. What's My Shoe Size?
  8. Where do i Work?
  9. When was my Quinceañera?
  10. What is my Favorite Color?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Me?