How Well Do You Know Me?

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Hi. :) I'm Princess Rosalina. I'm new to GoToQuiz and I really hope you enjoy my first quiz. It might not be the best, but it's the only thing I could come up with so far.

This quiz is about how well do you know me. Even if you know you don't know me at all, give this quiz a try and see how much you now about me anyways. :)

Created by: PrincessRosalina
  1. What is my favorite color?
  2. Do I like the Sun, Moon, or Stars better?
  3. Am I a girly girl, tomboy, or both?
  4. Am I friendly?
  5. Am I more interested in Astrology or Science?
  6. If someone disrespected me, what would I do?
  7. Who is my favorite fictional serial killer?
  8. What is my favorite thing to do?
  9. Do I like the night or day better?
  10. Do I like doing fun activities with my besties or alone?
  11. When is my birthday?
  12. What is my favorite holiday?
  13. Thank you for taking my first quiz!! :P P.S. Since this is a Test, the first answer is correct.

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Me?