How well do you know luke skywalker?

welcome to my first quiz. this is about my favorite star wars character luke skywalker. and now, you can show yourself if you know shif about luke good luck to all the people taking my first quiz dumb riddles with dumb answers comming out on 12/5/15

good luck with this one. you are probably going to need it. (im 14 by the way and i know all of this so you should too) good luck to all the people taking my first quiz dumb riddles with dumb answers comming out on 12/5/15

Created by: lilsavage

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what movie does luke use the dark side of the force?
  2. whos lightsaber does luke first have?
  3. did luke ever consider going to the imperial academy?
  4. who lived with luke?
  5. does luke know who his father is?
  6. does luke like the empire?
  7. does luke ever have children
  8. if so, how many
  9. what is the child(s) name
  10. who is the actor who plays luke

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Quiz topic: How well do I know luke skywalker?