How well do you know Hannibal Rising?

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Alright, I am a total movie nut. I love to watch movies that I absolutely love over and over again. Take my quiz and see if you like Hannibal Rising just as much as I do!

I personally think that the other Hannibal movies are totally creepy. This is the only one that I found didn't give me nightmares. Or maybe its because the main character who is played by Gaspard Ulliel is incredibly hot. But that may just be me. :))

Created by: xX3mo_Ang3lXx
  1. What was Hannibal and his family running from at the beginning of the movie?
  2. What did the man take from Hannibal's sister when they took over the house?
  3. What was the reason that Hannibal wanted to kill the Russian barbarians so badly when he grew up?
  4. What kind of dog barked at Hannibal when he arrived at Lady Murasaki's home in France?
  5. What type of cleaner did Lady Murasaki use to clean her ancestor's swords?
  6. What letter did Hannibal carve into Vladis' chest at the end of the movie?
  7. What did the lie detector indicate when the police took Hannibal to the station?
  8. What did Hannibal smell of when he came back to his room at the dormitory?
  9. What did Hannibal stab the teacher with at the beginning of the movie when the boys were singing?
  10. What did the leader of the school call Hannibal?
  11. Did Hannibal ever get his revenge?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Hannibal Rising?