how well do you know coldplay?

coldplay is a world reknowned band. they are very popular. i personally live and breathe coldplay. i just wanted to see if anyone shared my favorite band.

how well do you know coldplay. find out with this great test. you'll see if you know as much about coldplay as you thought. it's a fun test that will shock you.

Created by: dicrecha
  1. what is the name of the lead singer?
  2. coldplay is a __________ band
  3. which song is called a color and describes the uniqueness of their love?
  4. finish this lyric: saying i never meant to cause you __________, oh _ ______ _______ __ __ ___ ________.
  5. which song is this: those who are dead are not dead, their just living in my head.
  6. what sing did they win a grammy on?
  7. what country did their lead singer always got sick in when they went there to tour?
  8. what song did the lead singer write about his wife?
  9. he wrote another song about his wife. the song was named after the color of her eyes. what was the name of the song?
  10. finish this lyric: we live in a ____________ ________ yes we do,yes we do!!
  11. coldplay consists of how many official members?
  12. the lead singer can play more than 3 instriments?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know coldplay?