How well do you know Chris

This is a quiz about me and this stupid quiz place I made it makes me write at least 140 characters so I am doing that right now. take this test please

This is a quiz about me and this stupid quiz place i made it makes me write at least 140 characters so I am doing that right now. take this test please

Created by: chris
  1. What is my middle name?
  2. what is my favorite color?
  3. What kind of car do i want?
  4. What kind of car do i have?
  5. what is my dogs name?
  6. What kind of music do i like most? (may be more than 1 correct answer)
  7. How tall am I?
  8. Which sport do i play?
  9. What musical instrument do i play?
  10. Who is my hero?
  11. What kind of bike did i ride for BMX?
  12. Can i drive a manual car?
  13. If i could be in any kind of car event what would it be?
  14. Which is one of my favorite bands?
  15. If i could move anywhere in the world right now.. where would i go?
  16. Which song can i sing?
  17. what was my old motto or quote?
  18. What is my motto now?
  19. What do i hate the most?
  20. last one.... Who do i love more than anyone in the world?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Chris