How well do you know basketball?

Many people are good at basketball, but few are champs. Champs, afterall, play for many years. So don't give your hopes up. Basketball is an amazing sport to play.

Do YOU know basketball? Can YOU play? Take this basketball quiz to find out how much you know about basketball. Do YOU think you are a champ? You will find out in a few minutes.

Created by: amazon
Personality Test
  1. How many positions are in a basketball game?
  2. How many lines are on a basketball?
  3. What happens if I shoot and someone hits my arm?
  4. What is it called if I dribble, stop, then dribble again?
  5. What is are the positions during a game?
  6. In the end of each game, what do you do to the other team?
  7. If I made a shot and I missed and someone grabbed the ball, what is it called?
  8. At the beginning of the game, how do they decide what team to give the ball to?
  9. How many people can be on the bench at once?
  10. Who many referees are in one game?
  11. Where do the coaches sit during a game?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know basketball?