How well do you know Amber

This quiz is a quiz about me (Amber Michelle Heslop). I made this quiz to see how many people know the real me. I just want to see how my friends and ppl I really care about really know me.

The quiz is very basic about who I am and about me. I hope everybodied enjoys the quiz . and does the best they can. You also can learn new stuff about me that you did not know.

Created by: Amber Heslop of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. What is my full name?
  2. What was my birth last name?
  3. What is my Favorite two colors
  4. Where do I work?
  5. What is my Favorite Sport?
  6. What is my favorite song?
  7. Who do I spend most of my time with?
  8. What is my favorite stoke in Swimming?
  9. When is my birthday?
  10. Where was I born?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Amber