How Well Do You Kno Lil Boosie!

This quiz will help you find out how much u know about lil boosie...the greatest rapper alive. :) matt loves lil boosie everyone loves lil boosie he is a sexy beast I have to get this to 150 words thats why im typing random s--- am i at 150 words yet? lets check. omg it yelled at me for mentioning the thing and told me to think of something to say haha.,

ok now i have to get this to 150 words...this thing is retarted. i love men. JAY-K hmm boosie boo. hot sexy beast his weeny is bigger then jacobs. true dat. omg it yelled at me for random gibish lil boosie is awesome i

Created by: Matt
  1. What is Lil Boosie's First Name?
  2. What is Lil Boosie's last name?
  3. How many kids does he have?
  4. When is his birth month
  5. Where was he born?
  6. Lil Boosie has...
  7. What is lil boosie's fathers name?
  8. How old was Lil Boosie when his father got shot?
  9. How old is Lil Boosie?
  10. Who did Lil Boosie move in with once his father got murdered?
  11. What was Lil Boosie's first record lable he signed with?
  12. What was Boosie's debut album?
  13. What was Boosie's first hit single
  14. Who does boosie partner with the most
  15. What is lil boosie's favorite thing to smoke on?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Kno Lil Boosie!