How well do u know me

come and take my quiz to see if you know me at all there are 10 questions all about me if you get them all right well thats great and if you don't well that not so great just try your best and see wat you get. good luck

Are you up to it to find out all about me can you handle the truth you will never know intill you take my quiz all about me so go on give it a go i dare you lets see what you got

Created by: jess

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. I am a girl so wat is my name?
  2. Wat is my fav colour?
  3. Am i a emo?
  4. What colour is my hair?
  5. Do i have a nick name?
  6. If i do have a nick name wat is it?
  7. Am i funny?
  8. Do i have a Boyfriend?
  9. If i do have a Boyfriend wat is his name?
  10. Do i have a emo cousin?
  11. What is my fav type of music?
  12. Is my Grandma a famous artist?
  13. ok last question Did you like this quiz

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