How well are you and me alike?

So,you think you and me are alike? Well,take this quiz to find out how much we're alike. Mabye we're really alike,mabye we're not...dun dun dun...enjoy the quiz.

Are you like my twin? Or are you nothing like me? Take my quiz to find out! Simple questions,it will probably only take a minute. I hope you enjoy this quiz!

Created by: CatFang

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How old are you?
  2. Who is your favorite singer out of these?
  3. Who is your favorite band out of these?
  4. What is your favorite type of soda?
  5. What's your favorite activitey?
  6. Choose one.
  7. What's your favorite show?
  8. Do you like hot days or cold days?
  9. Favorite type of music?
  10. Describe yourself.
  11. Do you like animals?
  12. How much do you hate animals?
  13. Which one do you like more?

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Quiz topic: How well am I and me alike?